Tablet Hotels

Tablet Hotels


Mobile Web


Mobile Web / Responsive Web


UX/UI Design Lead


Tablet is a global travel lifestyle brands whose aim is to offer only the world's most extraordinary hotels, while making the booking process painless.


Our team was engaged by Tablet to design and deliver a internationalized mobile web site focused on features surrounding Booking, Hotel Search & Detail, User Account and Help functionality.


I served as the project's Design Lead and Engagement Lead and my responsibilities included:

  • Leading client engagement (proposal, scoping and planning, resource management, and client issue management)
  • Managing team of 3 UX Designers, 2 UI Designers, and 1 Front-end Developer
  • Leading User Experience Design (requirements, facilitated concept design workshops, storyboarding, user flows, wireframes, design reviews, and development support)
Figure 1: Project Focus Area | Guiding Design Principals


Tablet had a very strong desktop experience which allowed our team to follow a responsive design approach and design for the mobile first. This technique demands critical prioritization of content due to screen real estate and other constraints. 


The prioritization is scalable so that the content is displayed with consistent prioritization across device classes in varying, optimized layouts.

Figure 2: Wireframes | User Flow


Our final design for the mobile web site was targeted for the iPhone and Android platforms to optimize the conversion rate for Tablet’s customers using these mobile devices to book reservations.   The site’s experience and content were personalized according to a member preferences and behavioral patterns.

Figure 3: Wireframes | Screen Details